
The mission of University of California, Berkeley’s GUMP Research Station is to advance the frontiers of biocomplexity science by providing operational, technological, and informational support for programs on the island of Moorea, French Polynesia.Its vision is to develop Moorea as a model system for understanding how physical, biological, and cultural processes interact to shape social-ecological systems

The Law of the Sea Institute (LOSI) facilitates the production of in-depth, expert research and commentary on critical marine issues, to help continually strengthen ocean governance.

The link between UC Berkeley students and the world of SNAME (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers)

This is a student club on U.C. Berkeley campus that tries to bring the ocean a little bit closer to students. They meet once a week to discuss ocean-related topics, whether they’re events or something as simple as what classes to take next semester.

The digital version of Surface Waves Online

Facilities at U.C. Berkeley

This water wave tank is about 100 ft long, 1.5 ft wide and 6 ft deep and is constructed of clear plastic walls, which are in turn supported by steel frames. At one end of the tank is a wave-maker, which generates waves in the tank. The wave maker has a wave board, which is hinged at the bottom of the tank and is driven by a piston at the top. At the opposite end is a beach, whose purpose is to dampen incoming waves to prevent upstream reflections. There is a 10-in gap between the bottom plate of the tank and the floor of the building, which makes laser illumination through the bottom of the tank possible. This capability allows us to measure velocity fields in cases where the wave breaks and the free-surface becomes relatively rough.

The Richmond Field Station (RFS) of the University of California, Berkeley is facilitated with a towing tank (Figure 1) that has been used in many different research projects over many decades. The main component of the facility is a water wave-tank that is 68 m (200 ft) long and is constructed of concrete walls, with the exception of one section in the middle, which consists of thick plate glass that serves as an observation section where the flow below the water surface can be viewed. The cross-section is 2.4 m (8 ft) wide with a nominal water depth of 2 m (6.6ft). At one end of the tank is a wave-maker, a large steel plate driven by a computer-controlled hydraulic piston that generates programmed waves in the tank. At the opposite end is a metal beach, made of stainless steel shavings contained within galvanized steel mesh boxes, whose purpose is to dampen incoming waves to prevent upstream reflections.

Steel rails lie on top of the concrete wall, on which a 1000-kg carriage travels along. The carriage acts as an experimental platform, providing for models to be suspended on or below the surface of the water and a means to tow models down the length of the tank. It can also be used to mount the measurement instruments. It is powered by a 5 hp motor, allowing speeds of up to 1.6 m/s (3.2 knots). Traveling at a height of approximately 1 m above the water line and with an open bottom, the carriage is able to suspend models for travel on or under the surface in the water below. The original control system consists of an analog dial attached to a potentiometer. A computer system with data acquisition card allows for basic computer control of the carriage (application of the desired voltage entered by the user.)

A hydraulic wave maker, located at the upstream end of the tank, designed primarily to operate at a specified input frequency, can generate waves up to 0.3 m in amplitude, with the actual effectiveness depending on the frequency. It consists of a large steel plate, which is oscillated by a piston mechanism. A combined operation of the wave maker and moving carriage allows for the simulation of translating objects in a seaway, or in a limited sense, the equivalence of surface wave running in a current. The existing wave maker in the RFS facility is driven by a hydraulic cylinder with a servo controller.

The RFS towing tank facility is equipped with a machine shop. The shop houses a number of machining devices including a lathe, two mills, two band saws, and one belt sander. The shop is available to all users. The carpets and bottom topographies as well as other required materials can be prepared in the machine shop.

Figure 1: A photograph of RFS towing tank.
  • 6.26 m (W) x 5.45 m (D) x 9.58 m (H) X-ray shielded space (usable with up to 225 kV sources with current approvals) with 5 ton ceiling crane
  • (10 cm)2 cavitation and low-pressure boiling vertical water tunnel
  • 1/2″ ID two phase drag reduction or mixing flow loop
  • Time-averaged X-ray CT system (resolution down to O(100micron) )
  • Time-resolved 13kHz X-ray densitometry system

Specialized equipment belonging to the FLOW lab:

  • 13 kHz X-ray imager (1st of it’s kind – resulting from collaboration of mfg. & PI)
  • High speed imager, Phantom v1210 (1Mpix @ >12kHz to ~820kHz @ ~14kPix)
  • Double-pulse Nd:YAG, Evergreen 200 mJ per pulse up to 15Hz
  • Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler (UVP), Met-Flow UVP-DUO MX + set of transducers
  • Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) system, ITS P2+
  • Phase Doppler Interferometer and Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) (1 component)
  • Three X-ray sources
  • ~2m OD rotary stage with <15 arc second repeatability & 8-axis linear stage system on the rotary stage
  • >3m long flat plate with gas injectors and instrumentation for towing tank testing
  • 2D & Stereo PIV software

DAQs, cameras & lenses, >20 flow meters (e.g. Coriolis from <20 gpm to >400 gpm), >20 gas flow meters, 3 LVDTs, >6 workstation computers, filters, IIIa continuous laser, >20 pumps (water and slurry) & >10 VFDs (from 50 Hp to <1/10Hp), >100 p & dp transducers, conductivity probes, signal generators, oscilloscopes, capacitive level sensors, radar level sensors, >20 RTDs, >40 level switches, scales, load cells, microscope, drill press, etc.


Sustainable Ocean Alliance announced the 2022 Ocean Hackathon taking place in Sausalito, CA 2-4 December, 2022.

2020-2021 Dr. James A. Lisnyk Student Ship Design Competition

This National Science Foundation-sponsored series of workshops aims to accelerate the convergence between academic, industry, government agencies and foundations.

The 31st International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes (Rodos), Greece

Second Annual Marine Energy Collegiate Competition Open for Applications