
Note that 100-level courses are undergraduate-level, and 200-level courses are graduate-level courses.
For course syllabi, please refer to the offering department. For example: Graduate Courses in MEUndergraduate courses in ME, …
Not all courses are offered every semester. For what is offered each semester, please see the website of Berkeley Class Schedule.


Course Number

Course Title


ME 241

Marine Hydrodynamics

Prof. Simo Makiharju


Ocean Environment Mechanics

Prof. Simo Makiharju

Prof. Reza Alam

ME 245

Oceanic and Atmospheric Waves

Prof. Reza Alam

ME 248

Advanced Measurements for Ocean Engineering and Fluid Dynamics

Prof. Simo Makiharju

ME 266

 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

Prof. Philip Marcus


Mechanics of Offshore Systems

Prof. Reza Alam


Ocean Engineering Seminar

Prof. Reza Alam,

Prof. Simo Makiharju

EPS 82


Prof. Bethanie Edwards

EPS C100/C301

Communicating Ocean Science

EPS 113

Biological Oceanography and Biochemistry

EPS C146

Geological Oceanography

GEOG 129

Ocean Worlds

Fluid Dynamics

Course Number

Course Title


ME 106

 Fluid Mechanics

Prof. Reza Alam | Prof. Simo Makiharju | Prof. Omer Savas |  Prof. Philip Marcus | Prof. Steven Morris |  Prof. Shawn Shadden

ME 163

Engineering Aerodynamics

Prof. Omer Savas

ME 167

Microscale Fluid Mechanics

Prof. Steven Morris

ME C213

Fluid Mechanics of Biological Systems

 Prof. Shawn Shadden

ME 250B

Advanced Convective Transport and Computational Methods

Prof. Van Carey

ME 258

Heat Transfer with Phase Change

ME 260A/B

 Advanced Fluid Mechanics I / Advanced Fluid Mechanics II 

Prof. Omer Savas | Prof. Philip Marcus | Prof. Steven Morris

ME 262

Hydrodynamic Stability and Instability

Prof. Philip Marcus

ME 263


Prof. Omer Savas

MEng 266A

Finite Difference Methods for Fluid Dynamics / Spectral Methods for Fluid Dynamics

ME 266B

Spectral Methods for Fluid Dynamics

Prof. Philip Marcus

ME C268/Chem Eng C268

Physicochemical Hydrodynamics

ME 290c

vortex dynamics

Astron C202

 Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

Prof. Chung-Pei Ma

Solid Mechanics

Course Number

Course Title


ME 185

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics

ME 285A

Foundations of the Theory of Continuous Media

Prof. James Casey

ME 287 

Graduate Introduction to Continuum Mechanics

Prof. James Casey